Kim Eibrink Jansen
Life, Mindset & Universal Strategist
We all struggle from time to time with too much thinking...
We live in a busy world where there is so much going on that we are just trying to take each day as it comes...
Yet we worry so much about the future
Think so much about the past
There are the stories that keep repeating in our minds about ourselves, about others, about our situations...
We have thoughts, opinions, beliefs, fears, anxieties, stresses, labels, definitions, right & wrong, good or bad...
And however we see things will always be true for us..
What we don't know, is that we now have a choice
We are allowed to have a life where our minds can be free of the mental chatter
and we can start to create the life that we want to live..
is unlike anything else out there...
Using a 3 step program combining:
- Current Emotions & Feelings
- Subconscious & Conscious Thoughts & Awarenesses
- Soul Truth & Universal Wisdom
Going deep into your Conscious Mind
Subconscious Mind
and SuperConsciousness....
To find out what is really going on within you....
and who you really are
The 8 week "Reset your Mind, Reset your Life" program is extremely powerful...
In the program we focus on going deep into your subconscious and remove beliefs that are hidden deep down inside that you didn't know existed....and replace them with new, more big picture mindset plus much more...
What is going on in your life at the moment?
It is the key to finding the true you, to release you from the Incarnation Blueprint that you were born with, the programs, the beliefs, the meanings, the past.....
It goes for 8 weeks which includes:
- 8 x 1 hr sessions 1:1 with Kim (weekly)
- Audio recording of your Session
- Work in between sessions to do at home
- Unlimited access to Kim via Facebook Messenger to help you with anything that you need
This program isn't just another program.
It is completely switching your life around from what it was, to what you want it to be.
You will grow, learn and evolve much more quicker than ever before...
You will get to know yourself deeply and intimately from within and know whats hiding inside of you that you didnt even know was running the show....
You will be given life long tools to be able to deal with anything...
And you will be in a place of absolute expansiveness and higher level of awareness than ever before about Life, how it all works and what to do to create the life that you want...
PAY IN FULL - ONLY $1499.00 for 2 months solid work!
PAY PER MONTH - $799.00 X 2
What her clients say....

"Kim Eibrink Jansen has helped me sooo much in my life and with my work, I have no words to describe it. I consider myself to be a fairly introspective and self-aware person, but Kim revealed and busted blocks that were holding me back that I never even considered! She helped me tap in on deep level with myself and my intuition in a major way, and opened up my faith and trust in the universe tremendously. Her work with me has helped me immensely both personally and professionally. Kim Eibrink Jansen is pure MAGIC. I am BLOWN away by her. Get on this woman's calendar if you can! She is truly one of a kind! Thank you for everything, Kim!"
Dr Jenev Cadell - USA

"Since working with Kim my business has exploded in the best of ways. Before our work together I felt stuck and blocked in regards to money and my business. I felt like I was invisible And my ideal clients weren't seeing me. I felt the relief and the shift happen immediately after working together. Kim is nothing less than amazing and I wouldn't be where I am without her.
If you are thinking of working with her do it now. I promise your life will change for the better.
Kim is magical! "
Lamisha Serf-Walls - USA

"Working with Kim is not for the feint hearted, my session with her was a completely life changing event. I was ready for the information I needed to step up into my power and she gave it to me. We worked through all the horrors and fears from my past lives and let them go. And that may not sound transformational, but letting go is the single biggest step towards freedom and success that you'll ever experience.
I now understand my importance in the world but I also know that whatever has happened before and who ever I've been, no longer matters. It's all about making THIS lifetime worthwhile, and finally achieving my soul mission.
Thank you so much Kim, your work will stay with me forever and allow great things to occur. "
Fifi Scarlett - UK

"Working with Kim isn't a cost for me. It's an investment.
Investing in myself via Kim has me on purpose.
Deliberately creating and the ripple effect of that for the people I work with is amazing,
incredible and so completely satisfying.
Love to you Kim xx"
Michelle House - Australia