Kim Eibrink Jansen
Life, Mindset & Universal Strategist
My name is Kim Eibrink Jansen
and I'm here to tell you that you have complete power and control over your own life.....
Now and in the future...
Money, Success, Health, Business, Love....
I have many tools, systems & processes to share with you
to help you get rid of what has been holding you back
and to give you back your right
to live an Abundant, Healthy & Free Live!
Do you have a problem that you can't escape from?
Have an issue that is annoying you?
Are you currently experiencing struggle?
Sick, in pain, health & chronic illness or weight issues?
Broke, no money, struggling with money?
No relationship or issues with relationships (love & family)?
Never seem to succeed. struggle to get ahead in life?
Know you have a BIG life purpose, but don't know what it is or how to find it?
If you are dealing with an issue in your life, you have come to the right place.....
Everything happens for a reason.....
And it is happening to you, because you are meant to find a way out and move on.....
"I know that! But I don't know how to move on!!"
You see, in this life you are meant to find a way through adversity and move on
But many of us have no idea how to do this....
But even better....I know how to move through this
My many years of being a Life & Business Coach, Body Whisperer, Energy Healer & Specialist
specialising on the reality of LIFE
and the Universe
How the world REALLY works
combined with insights on what is going to happen in the future for you
Provides a beautiful marriage for you make confidently make plans on the next step
Plus more....
I like to think I am down to earth and logical, even though some of the concepts I teach may not seem that way...
I would like to try and combine all elements of our lives and the Universe
and show us how we can all bring it into our own lives,
For us to USE these powers that are all around us...
Because they are all there just waiting for us to remember that we CAN use them!!!!
Have a look through my website and if you have any questions don't hesitate to email me at
I'd love for you to embrace all the infinite possibilities that are available with you..for you...
Kim xo

Kim Eibrink Jansen
My Personal Story....
I remember when I was 5 years old, I knew that I was we all do....
I could communicate with energy and things around me...
I would know what people were going to say before they said them...
I could feel what they were feeling....
And at night I would hear voices and see white shadows coming in and out of my bedroom all night...
We even had a toy train that would run by itself without batteries!
Then something changed....
I remember thinking as a teenager when I wished for a dream to come true...
and it didn't....
And time and time again, I was disappointed by things I thought I could control, and they never happened for me..
So I let go of thinking that I could control things, that I could create what I wanted....

"Kim Eibrink Jansen is not called The Body Whisperer for nothing. She truly has an amazing gift. Not only is she an expert Tapper, she tunes in to the body with exceptional skill.
I had a session with her this afternoon as I have not being feeling well this week and when I arrived my stomach was very churned up. She picked up enormous heat from the area and to cut a long story short, cleared four gruesome deaths from past lives among other things. Before I left, my stomach was feeling fine and all I can say is if you have a physical complaint, go and see Kim.
She will whisper to your body in a way you never thought possible and remove old stuff you don't want to be carrying around. You are a gem, Kim, and a blessing to the world. ♥"
Madonna Robinson
Mindset Magician

"When working with Kim, I explained my anxiety over leaving a part-time job and backing myself full-time with my new business. I also mentioned the pain I had in my chest, which was really worrying me. (I had a doctor check out my heart, etc.) Kim explained how to tap various parts of my body and recite three times after her.
If you are skeptical about certain things, as I am, then I can truly say I had goose bumps and I was floating on air. When Kim asked me how I felt, my pain was gone. It just went. I felt calmer and wasn't nervous to be in front of the forty or so people looking at me.I had a fab day and I slept that night without waking up at 2 a.m. with distant drums beating in my ears and drinking two cups of tea or sitting in front of the TV wondering what I am doing.
It is now Thursday and I have had two great sleeps without waking up and I keep feeling for the pain but it isn't there. If the pain or anxiety comes back, I will just find a quiet place and tap it out again. No worries. Thanks Kim… I wish you every success in the future, you are amazing."
Chris Lee

Hi Kim
I want to say thank you for our session. I really feel like something has lifted – been released. I was journaling this morning and pretty much my focus for my business just poured out on to the pages. Yesterday I was writing 2 blogs and it felt different – I wrote differently.
I just want to bottle you and keep you by my side all the time. You know, like a bottle of emergency essence.
You seriously are amazing.
Thanks again, Tammi xxx
Tammi Cantori
Tammi Cantori Coaching