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Your Body is a Blessing


What a blessing today has been....I have truly seen how magnificent we really are...

Today with a client we went on a beautiful journey of discovery of how amazing our bodies really are...

As we started with the head and moved down to the toes, I am in awe of what the body does and how it loves us, supports us and allows us to experience everything we get to experience here...

Without a body, we couldn't DO anything...

Our bodies take us places...

Our bodies give us physical connection to the planet and all that is touch and feel is something very unique to our physical bodies...

To touch plants, animals, food, water, and each other...

Our bodies allow us to give and receive love...

To see and be seen

To speak and to listen

To share and to receive

To create, to build, to mould, sculpt and to lift...

To play sport

To run marathons

To climb mountains

To fly planes

To swim

To laugh with friends

To watch sunsets

To play music

To dance

To sing

To......hug and snuggle and love

To smell

To taste

To smile

To move

To embrace

To learn

To experience

To breathe

To rest

To BE....

So often we put our bodies down....

We take them for granted...

Treat them badly...

And we turn our backs on our body...

Our body is our lifeline here...

Without it, you may as well be a floating spirit in the sky...

Thats no fun...

Laugh in your body today...

Sing in your body today...

Dance in your body today...

And really embrace all this body has allowed you to do...

Because your body is one of the most important parts of this human experience you will ever have here...

When we do this, our body will shine...

Our body will rise to the occasion..

Our body will take us to places you never knew existed..

And will allow you to do whatever you wanted to do...

Honouring the body today....and always....

KEJ xo

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Kim Eibrink Jansen is an International Spiritual Teacher, Life Coach, Speaker and Author Working with YOU and the Universe to bring about Massive Life Changes & Transformation with Guidance, Systems & Processes for Life, Soul, Wisdom, Manifestation, Energy, Quantum Mind, Transcendence, Spiritual Ascension & Evolution of Humanity. Offering Readings, Clearings & Next Level New Generation Spiritual Work taking us into the Next Dimension of Life. 

Founder of the Universal Mindset Technique & Reset your Mind, Reset your Life

CONTACT Kim via the Links below:

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International Healing & Spiritual Practitioner - available in Australia, New Zealand, United States of America, Canada, United Kingdom, Asia, India, Europe + more

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