I am getting really good at working out what messages we get from the Universe are trying to tell us.
You know what I mean....you might have a car accident, flat tyre or car breaks down. Or you see the same number over and over again, broken leg or arm, break a glass, have a weird dream, finding money....I could go on.
Well tonight, I had a few messages.
To begin, not one but BOTH lights on my car blew. Very strange and instantly i knew it was a sign. Lucky I have a great mechanic, the gorgeous Jana Kingsford's husband fixed it quick smart. Thank you!!!!
Then, while looking to see what it means on the internet and in my books, it explained that lights blow because of negative energy. hmmmm.... I did have a stressful afternoon! I was drawn to a website that suggested I ask Archangel Michael. Well, he is my main angel guide, and I have a pack of cards here of his. And i hadnt used them for months. yay! another message.....So I asked a question of Archangel Michael and the card that came out was "have confidence" saying that "Michael is protecting me while I shine my bright light!" A ha! A light reference! The message for my lights blowing. but also how i was feeling in my new career. It made sense as I was starting to feel a bit unsupported in my quest to heal the world! Thank you again! Also Jana Kingsford sent me a beautiful SMS at the same time, with lots of love and support. So grateful, thank you Jana Kingsford for being so smart!
So I thought I would ask the cards again. Any more messages? I shuffled the 52 cards, then pulled out 3. And guess what.....the same 3 cards came out that I had just pulled out prior! OMG!
So......all I can say is listen to the messages that we receive everyday. They are there to help us move ahead in our "journey".... To guide us as to what we need to do to get to where we want to go. All we have to do is.....listen. Night all! Xo