Kim Eibrink Jansen
Life, Mindset & Universal Strategist
A BIG Welcome to the Universal Business School "Collective Members" Page...
Here you will find all the course content if you ever need to download, listen or review any part of the program....
If you have any problems with any of the links etc please email me at
Remember, you have access to this information for LIFE..
So come back here and visit at any time to review information..
And remember to upgrade your access every time Universal Business relaunches new content, each new launch...
So lovely to have you part of our beautiful Collective!
Pre Program Emails, Links & Information
Email - Welcome to the Universal Business 2016!
Email - One more day to wait...
I encourage you all to introduce yourself in this group and let everyone know a little bit about you..
For the LIVE Universal Business Classroom Sessions. These are 5am Friday Perth, Australia Time.
If you can't make them, the replay's will be available on this page..
Click on the above link to get into our LIVE Online Classroom.
If you don't have ZOOM, you can download it for FREE here
- MOVIE - The Secret Law of Attraction
This movie talks about all the Universal Laws which is a big part of Universal Business
Universal Business Week 2
Universal Business Week 3
Video - Tapping for $50 000
Meditation - Connecting with Yourself
Meditation - Connecting with the Universal Energy
Fun Schedule
Universal Business Week 4
Universal Business Week 6
Action Week
Life Purpose Questionnaire
Your Message
Building Relationships and Creating Products & Services
Marketing & Launching
How to Attract Clients
Affiliate Love
Universal Business Week 7
Universal Business Week 8
Universal Business Week 9
This week go through the notes Week 1-9 and re-soak in everything we have talked through.
You, personally, will have shifted greatly in this short time. So reflection and re-learning is
important before we move on.
Some things I would love for you to watch/listen to over this week:
Some things I would love for you to watch/listen to over this week:
NO LIVE Session this week
Universal Business Week 10
Passive Income Ideas
Sustain your income while you build your business
Universal Business Week 11
8 Human Needs + Your Business
and our Soul Journey on Earth
Universal Business Week 12
Your Frequency & Vibration
Level of Consciousness
Be a Catalyst for Change
Universal Business LIVE Session