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Soulful Business

Are you a Universal Entrepreneur, running a Universal Business???

Universal Entrepreneurs have a BIG purpose here on earth...

You might feel "drawn" to make a difference

But you don't really know what that is

Or how to make a difference...

You know you are a Universal Entrepreneur when you.....

- Are sick of fear, struggle and having no control... you know there has to be a better way

- You love people, love helping people and are extremely giving. You try and help always.

- You feel uncomfortable doing things for money...its never really sat with you comfortably and it doesn't feel like you to do things for money...

- You may be sensitive to other people's energy and can sometimes take on stress and anxiety from others

- Your mind is always many ideas, so many thoughts that you think you are going CRAZY...

- You are starting to (or have always been) interested in personal & spiritual development.

- You love The Law of Attraction, Manifesting and all that want to know more and more..

- You have a feeling that there has to be "something else out there" but aren't sure where to begin... so you have read millions of self help and business books, but still don't feel like you are "there" yet...

- You might struggle with voices in your head telling you that you can't do things and holding you back

- The whole "hustling" for business, selling and promotion of business doesn't make you feel good or feel right for your business..

- You worry about money ALL THE TIME....and nothing you do changes that......

- You LOVE learning...about life, about the planet, about the Universe. You just want to soak it all in!

- You have great passion and love for the Planet, Living things and the Universe. You wish to create a job where you can combine WORK and HUMANITARIAN work to make the World a better place...

- You just KNOW in your heart and soul that you have a big purpose, but don't know how to find it, what to do and even if you are on the right path...

Kim Eibrink Jansen has founded and developed

a completely new Business System

called the "Universal Business"...

The Universal Business has been developed over the last 10 years by Kim Eibrink Jansen as one of the most unique Business Style's ever seen...

This revolutionary process of running Businesses operates completely differently to everything that has been taught....

Yet is extremely successful for those who fully embrace its concepts and design....

The Universal Business Model focuses on incorporating the Universal Laws & Concepts in every part of the Business Processes - from Marketing, Sales Funnels, Recruitment, Product Creation and Design, Pricing, Reporting, Goal Setting and even down to website & technology, Competition, Communications and in particular, Money and Cash flow in the Business....

The result of using The Universal Business Model enables the Entrepreneur to relax and enjoy their business, go with flow and ease, watching miracles and magic happen before their very eyes and a fantastic lifestyle while earning an amazing income, and changing the world at the same time. Because we end up running the business using the natural laws and operate from a place of love and inspiration, then the money always results. The vibration of the business and its owner increases to a level that affects them and everyone they deal with....

The level of "spreading the love" is so powerful, that the vibration of the planet DOES change as a result... we will be healing the planet running our Universal Business...

The element of MORE CONTROL by letting go of control takes a bit of getting used to, but you will see that you have more control using the FORCES OF NATURE rather than counting, wishing and hoping...

This is powerful stuff...

It is a perfect system for those who have tried all the Traditional Business Methods and nothing is working....

And this Business System is predominately based around an Online Business Model..

It's not hard,

In fact, I laugh to say that I never have to think anymore, never have to stress anymore and have complete trust in this process

Because it works...

It's easy

And fun

And empowering not only you

But everyone around you....

Be warned... we will be blowing all your old beliefs such as "that you have to work hard to be a success"

Out of your body & mind...

To enable you to step confidently into your purpose

By doing what you love

And only what you love

Because the days of pushing

Are gone from now on...

We will show you a powerful way to allow yourself to get all the answers to all the questions you have EVER had...

So you will never be stuck for the answer EVER AGAIN...

And bring out the natural leader, the natural goddess and the natural YOU

UNLIKE a YOU that you have ever known

Because this is a YOU that is truly YOU

With no worries about what others tell you

With no cares about failing or fears...

And embracing your journey with full force

Changing your life

And others with it...


The revolutionary Universal Business Group which will change the world as we see it today....

The Universe & Planetary Laws give you more CONTROL over everything in your LIFE allowing you to embrace your natural gifts and talents that you may not be aware of......

Paving a way for you to get your message out there in a BIG way while changing the planet.....

Giving the gift of LOVE, SUCCESS, MONEY & LIFESTYLE back to YOU while helping others in ways you NEVER dreamed possible......



A Magical Business Experience working weekly with me where we are all taking your business to the next level....and beyond...

Where we use Universal Laws, psychic insights and and Magic directly on your business & life......

- I have over 25 years experience and knowledge in working with Metaphysics & Universal Laws

- A University Degree in Business - Bachelor of Business

- I have set up, operated and run 3 other successful award winning businesses, one averaging annual earnings of $750K.... and I'm now onto my forth

- I've been coaching small businesses now for 5 years from all around the world


- 8 x 1 hour personalised weekly sessions over 8 weeks

(1 session per week).. Via Zoom – sessions are recorded for post examination

- Monitored Daily Journal monitoring for Accountability & Reporting (Google)

- Monitored Daily To Do Lists

- Monitored Inspired Ideas & Actions Schedule

- Daily discussions and involvement in Mentor Program Facebook Group

- Over 70 Tools to use to empower the business owner for potential business improvements


Kim Eibrink Jansen is an International Spiritual Teacher, Life Coach, Speaker and Author Working with YOU and the Universe to bring about Massive Life Changes & Transformation with Guidance, Systems & Processes for Life, Soul, Wisdom, Manifestation, Energy, Quantum Mind, Transcendence, Spiritual Ascension & Evolution of Humanity. Offering Readings, Clearings & Next Level New Generation Spiritual Work taking us into the Next Dimension of Life. 

Founder of the Universal Mindset Technique & Reset your Mind, Reset your Life

CONTACT Kim via the Links below:

Facebook Messenger



International Healing & Spiritual Practitioner - available in Australia, New Zealand, United States of America, Canada, United Kingdom, Asia, India, Europe + more

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